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  • To begin with, accept the subtle energies of the world around you as reality. These energies play as vital a role as human begings do in planetary evolution. Recognise the life force in every thing you see, smell, touch, taste and hear, as also in what you cannot sense or imagine. Accepting their reality and capacity to interact with you intelligently is a necessary part of this work.
  • Listen and honour the directions of your inner voice system or intuition. Follow the directions of intuition by closely listening to your true feeling. Do not write them off as imagination. With experience, you will learn to didtinguish the fact that imagination and logic come from the left brain and intuition, with its base in feelings, flows from the right brain. Intuition simply informs without analysis or judgement. Remember, it is the voice of your true self, so learn to trust it.
  • Develop your third eye vision by strengthening the third eye chakra, the area which lies in the centre of your forehead, directly above the beginining of your eyebrows. There are a number of yogic and non-yogic and non-yogic exercise that can help you do this.
  • Sharpen time alone amidst nature. Use all five senses to establish a close rapport with the wonders of creation. Kinesthetically feel the places and persons you meet routinely. Get familiar with your personal energy, and develop the habit of felling the vibrations around you. Using your kinesthetic sense is an important part of all energy work.
  • Spend time alone amidst nature. Use all five senses to establish a close rapport with the wonders of creation. kinesthetically feel the places and persons you meet routinely. Get familiar with your personal energy, and develop the habit of feeling the vibrsations around you. Using your kinesthetic sense is an important part of all energy work.
  • Spend ten minutes daily on the love light meditation (see box) to dramatically alter the quality of your day.
  • Before allempting to tune into another's energy field, complete the Love Light Meditation. With eyes closed, feel your love spread through the whole universe, establish in your mind that you are divine being and then use your third eye to visualise your subject with complete love and respect. Request permission from his higher self to make this connection. Listen carefully as the answer will be translated to you through your intuition.
  • To scan your subject (this step is a continuation of fine-tuning). Continue to focus on your third eye centre. Empty your mind of all biases and judgements. Becoming thought-free. If possoble, using your inner vision. Scan your subject's physical body slowly from head to toe. Repeat this exercise three times. Again , Remember what you "See" Scan the first three layers of the aura one by one. Do this three times. Again, remember what you see. Ask your subject's higher self if there is any information it has for you. Wait for a response. End this meditation by thanking yourself. Your subject and its higher self. And all the divine energies that made this connection possible. Note down all the details of the fine turning and scanning is privileged and should not be conveyed to anyone except the person concerned or his representative.
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