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Blue, next to yellow, is one of the easiest colors to see in the aura. It is the color of calm and quietness. It reflects aevotion, truth and seriousness. It can indicate the ability for clairaudience and for the development of telepathy.
The lighter shades of blue reflect an active imagination and good intuition. The deeper shades of blue can indicate a sense of loneliness, which on one level reflects a life-long quest foe the Divine. The deeper shades of blue reflect levels of devotion. Royal blue shades indicate the person has found or is about to find his or her chosen work.
The muddier shades of blue can reflect blocked perceptions. They can indicate melancholy, rushing and worrying, domineering, fearfulness, forgetfulness and oversensitivity.
Violet and PurpleViolet and Purple
Violet is the color of warmth and transmutation. It is the color for the blending of the heart and the mind, the physical with the spiritual. It reflects independence and intuition, as well as dynamic and important dream activity. It can reflect one who is searching. The purple shades often reflect an ability to handle affairs with practicality and worldliness. The paler and lighter shades of violet and purple can reflect humility and spirituality. The red-purple shades can indicate great passion strength of will. They may also reflect a need for greater individual effort.
The darker and muddier shades can reflect a need to overcome something. They can also reflect intense erotic imaginations as well. Tendencies toward being overbearing, needing sympathy and feeling misunderstood are also reflected in muddier shades.
Other Colors of the Aura
Pink is a color of compassion, love and purity. It can reflect joy and comfort and a strong sense of companionship. When seen in the aura, it can indicate the quiet, modest type of individual, along with a love of art and beauty.
Depending on the shade of pink, it can also reflect an immaturity, especially the muddier shades. It can reflect  truthfulness or a lack of it. It can also reflect times of new love and new vision.
Gold is a color that reflects dynamic spiritual energy and a true coming into one's own power. It reflects the higher energies of devotion and great inspiration. It indicates a time of revitalizing.
Muddier shades of gold can indicate the person is still in the process of awakening higher inspiration and has not clarified it yet within his/her life. It reflects the alchemical process still being active; i.e.' the person is still working to turn the lead of his/her life into gold.
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